Ways of Preventing Ingrown Public Hairs
Hair Care
Ways of Preventing Ingrown Public Hairs

How To Prevent Ingrown Hairs Down There? 4 Easy Steps & Quick Home Remedies

Ingrown hairs are typically the ones that grow back into the skin instead of up to the surface. They can grow in any region of your body as a consequence of shaving, waxing, or plucking. However, when they grow down there, it is a bit uncomfortable, isn’t it? This article will help you treat and prevent ingrown hairs in the pubic region with scientifically proven remedies with 100 percent results. 

Ingrown Pubic Hairs: What are its Causes and How it Looks?

Under normal circumstances, when you remove pubic hair through any method, it grows up through the skin without any hassle. However, certain hairs do grow underneath the skin. For instance, when you shave your hair in the pubic region, the small hairs might curl up inside your skin and grow there. The hair is foreign to the body, and therefore, you might experience itching, pain, redness, or even swelling in that particular area. 

When a hair grows inside your skin, there will be small, noticeable round bumps called papules. Sometimes these bumps are filled with pus which is called pustules. You might even notice the darkening of that small area which is called hyperpigmentation. People who have thick and curly hair types are at a greater risk of developing ingrown pubic hair than people with fine and thin hair. 

How Can You Treat Ingrown Pubic Hairs?

There is no particular treatment for ingrown pubic hairs. They will eventually detach from the skin and clear up without any treatment. However, if the hairs are not growing back up through the skin, then you can try one of the below-mentioned treatment options:

1. Stop using any hair-removal methods

If you see there are numerous ingrown pubic hairs, then the first thing you need to do is to stop waxing, shaving, or plucking the hair in that region. If you continue to use any of these hair removal methods, you might irritate the area and make it more sensitive. Do not even scratch or pick the ingrown hair, as it might lead to skin infection or scar it. 

Ingrown Pubic Hairs
Ingrown Pubic Hairs

2. Remove dead skin

To remove the hair and surrounding dead skin, you can gently exfoliate in that region and wash it away. This will help the ingrown hair to return to the surface. If exfoliation is turning your skin red and causing more irritation, you can consult your doctor who will provide you with certain drugs that will shed off the dead skin cells easily. 

3. Use warm compresses

You can apply warm compresses to that area which will help you reduce any pain or irritation. In addition, you can rub a wet washcloth or soft toothbrush to get rid of the dead skin.

4. Apply creams for reducing inflammation

You can apply various creams prescribed by your doctor to reduce redness and inflammation. Your doctor is most likely to prescribe a steroid cream that will treat swelling and irritation.

Home Remedies to Prevent Ingrown Hairs in the Pubic Region

  1. You can create a paste of sugar, olive oil, and honey and apply it in a circular motion before rinsing it with warm water. Sugar is a natural exfoliator, whereas olive oil and honey moisturize your skin.

Take 1 tablespoon of baking soda and mix it with one cup of water. Once you have mixed them perfectly, you can use a cotton ball and apply it to your skin. Baking soda is a good exfoliator and helps in reducing inflammation in the skin. 

  1. Mix 2-3 drops of tea tree oil in one cup of water. Take a cotton ball and apply it to the affected region. Tea tree oils eliminate bacteria and treat swelling. It also helps in treating acne and acne scars

Apart from these remedies, you can also try some other things to reduce the growth of ingrown hair:

  • Do not pick or pluck your ingrown hair rashly. It can cause infection
  • If you have small bumps, then don’t squeeze any of them. Do not even try to pop the bumps as it could leave a scar and cause infection

How to Avoid the Growth of Ingrown Pubic Hair?

As mentioned earlier, you can prevent the growth of ingrown pubic hair by not waxing, shaving, or plucking. However, that might welcome a whole other set of hygiene problems that you do not want. Therefore, the below-mentioned are the steps to avoid the growth of pubic hairs in the future. 

1. Use a single-bladed razor

Certain razors such as single-bladed razors reduce the risk of ingrown hairs. Make sure that you separate the razor you use in your pubic region from the one you use in the rest of your body. If it is several weeks old, remember to buy a new one.

2. Give a thought to laser hair removal

Laser hair removal is the permanent solution to your ingrown hair problem. It will help in eradicating the hair at a deeper level and damage the hair follicle. It is an expensive treatment and won’t finish with just one session. You will have to attend a few sessions and months to get permanent results. However, if you have blond or light colored hair, then this treatment won’t have too much effect on you.

Ingrown Pubic Hairs
Ingrown Pubic Hairs

3. Opt for non-razor hair removal options

Although razors are short-term hair removal options they are not quite effective when it comes to completely uprooting the ingrowth. You can always try chemical hair removers upon consulting with a dermatologist. However, opt for those which do not irritate your skin. To check for this, you can try a small patch of chemical hair remover on a small part of your skin before using it directly on your pubic area. 

Wait for 24 hours to see whether there is any reaction. If there is no reaction, you can use it in your genital area. However, remember that your pubic area is more sensitive than the skin on your arms or legs. Apart from this, you can use prescribed creams to prevent ingrown hairs. If they do not work, your last resort is electrolysis which is a permanent solution to your problem. It involves using an electrode to destroy the roots of your hair. However, several sessions will be required to permanently unroot your hair.  

Also Read: 6 Step Guide On How To Shave Pubic Hair

How To Prevent Ingrown Hairs Down There? 4 Easy Steps & Quick Home Remedies


Ingrown hairs are typically the ones that grow back into the skin instead of up to the surface. They can grow in any region of your body as a consequence of shaving, waxing, or plucking. However, when they grow down there, it is a bit uncomfortable, isn’t it? This article will help you treat and prevent ingrown hairs in the pubic region with scientifically proven remedies with 100 percent results. 

Ingrown Pubic Hairs: What are its Causes and How it Looks?

Under normal circumstances, when you remove pubic hair through any method, it grows up through the skin without any hassle. However, certain hairs do grow underneath the skin. For instance, when you shave your hair in the pubic region, the small hairs might curl up inside your skin and grow there. The hair is foreign to the body, and therefore, you might experience itching, pain, redness, or even swelling in that particular area. 

When a hair grows inside your skin, there will be small, noticeable round bumps called papules. Sometimes these bumps are filled with pus which is called pustules. You might even notice the darkening of that small area which is called hyperpigmentation. People who have thick and curly hair types are at a greater risk of developing ingrown pubic hair than people with fine and thin hair. 

How Can You Treat Ingrown Pubic Hairs?

There is no particular treatment for ingrown pubic hairs. They will eventually detach from the skin and clear up without any treatment. However, if the hairs are not growing back up through the skin, then you can try one of the below-mentioned treatment options:

1. Stop using any hair-removal methods

If you see there are numerous ingrown pubic hairs, then the first thing you need to do is to stop waxing, shaving, or plucking the hair in that region. If you continue to use any of these hair removal methods, you might irritate the area and make it more sensitive. Do not even scratch or pick the ingrown hair, as it might lead to skin infection or scar it. 

Ingrown Pubic Hairs
Ingrown Pubic Hairs

2. Remove dead skin

To remove the hair and surrounding dead skin, you can gently exfoliate in that region and wash it away. This will help the ingrown hair to return to the surface. If exfoliation is turning your skin red and causing more irritation, you can consult your doctor who will provide you with certain drugs that will shed off the dead skin cells easily. 

3. Use warm compresses

You can apply warm compresses to that area which will help you reduce any pain or irritation. In addition, you can rub a wet washcloth or soft toothbrush to get rid of the dead skin.

4. Apply creams for reducing inflammation

You can apply various creams prescribed by your doctor to reduce redness and inflammation. Your doctor is most likely to prescribe a steroid cream that will treat swelling and irritation.

Home Remedies to Prevent Ingrown Hairs in the Pubic Region

  1. You can create a paste of sugar, olive oil, and honey and apply it in a circular motion before rinsing it with warm water. Sugar is a natural exfoliator, whereas olive oil and honey moisturize your skin.

Take 1 tablespoon of baking soda and mix it with one cup of water. Once you have mixed them perfectly, you can use a cotton ball and apply it to your skin. Baking soda is a good exfoliator and helps in reducing inflammation in the skin. 

  1. Mix 2-3 drops of tea tree oil in one cup of water. Take a cotton ball and apply it to the affected region. Tea tree oils eliminate bacteria and treat swelling. It also helps in treating acne and acne scars

Apart from these remedies, you can also try some other things to reduce the growth of ingrown hair:

  • Do not pick or pluck your ingrown hair rashly. It can cause infection
  • If you have small bumps, then don’t squeeze any of them. Do not even try to pop the bumps as it could leave a scar and cause infection

How to Avoid the Growth of Ingrown Pubic Hair?

As mentioned earlier, you can prevent the growth of ingrown pubic hair by not waxing, shaving, or plucking. However, that might welcome a whole other set of hygiene problems that you do not want. Therefore, the below-mentioned are the steps to avoid the growth of pubic hairs in the future. 

1. Use a single-bladed razor

Certain razors such as single-bladed razors reduce the risk of ingrown hairs. Make sure that you separate the razor you use in your pubic region from the one you use in the rest of your body. If it is several weeks old, remember to buy a new one.

2. Give a thought to laser hair removal

Laser hair removal is the permanent solution to your ingrown hair problem. It will help in eradicating the hair at a deeper level and damage the hair follicle. It is an expensive treatment and won’t finish with just one session. You will have to attend a few sessions and months to get permanent results. However, if you have blond or light colored hair, then this treatment won’t have too much effect on you.

Ingrown Pubic Hairs
Ingrown Pubic Hairs

3. Opt for non-razor hair removal options

Although razors are short-term hair removal options they are not quite effective when it comes to completely uprooting the ingrowth. You can always try chemical hair removers upon consulting with a dermatologist. However, opt for those which do not irritate your skin. To check for this, you can try a small patch of chemical hair remover on a small part of your skin before using it directly on your pubic area. 

Wait for 24 hours to see whether there is any reaction. If there is no reaction, you can use it in your genital area. However, remember that your pubic area is more sensitive than the skin on your arms or legs. Apart from this, you can use prescribed creams to prevent ingrown hairs. If they do not work, your last resort is electrolysis which is a permanent solution to your problem. It involves using an electrode to destroy the roots of your hair. However, several sessions will be required to permanently unroot your hair.  

Also Read: 6 Step Guide On How To Shave Pubic Hair