testosterone injections
Health & Fitness
testosterone injections

Considering Testosterone Injections? Here’s Everything You Need To Know!

If you’ve been considering getting testosterone injections, then you’re certainly not alone. Millions of adults are on prescription testosterone shots or gel as some form of testosterone replacement therapy (commonly known as TRT). They do so to restore the normal levels of the testosterone hormone as is suggested by the name. As you age and become older, a testosterone replacement theory may sound promising. Especially after hearing that a testosterone replacement theory can make men more energetic, improve sexual performance, slow down the ageing process, etc. 

However, a testosterone replacement theory doesn’t come free of risks. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not recommend using testosterone to treat natural ageing-related testosterone changes as it may increase the risk of certain cardiac issues in older men. Therefore, if you’re thinking, “Are testosterone shots safe?”, you’re right to do so. There are benefits of testosterone shots and there are also side effects of testosterone shots. Keep on reading for more information on testosterone injections. 

Testosterone Injections
Testosterone Injections

What is Testosterone?

Testosterone is the male steroid hormone that is produced in the testicles. Common misconceptions regarding the testosterone hormone include the fact that it’s only job is to maintain a healthy sex drive. But, that is not the case. The hormone has several effects on your body including maintaining fat distribution in the body, bone density, muscle mass, sperm count, facial and body hair growth, and red blood cells production. A normal testosterone level is between 300 and 1,000 ng/dL. Thus, if a blood test shows that your levels are far below the norm, you may need to consult a doctor. 

How does Age Affect Testosterone Levels?

Testosterone production peaks during puberty, that is the adolescence age. And, as you age, your testosterone levels decline. There is a condition known as hypogonadism that affects testosterone production. Hypogonadism affects the body’s ability to produce normal amounts of testosterone due to a problem in the testicles or in the pituitary gland that controls the testicles. People suffering from hypogonadism usually rely on testosterone replacement therapy. 

Symptoms Associated with Low T

Low T is a condition that is associated with a rapid decline in testosterone production. However, some men above the age of 30-40, may gradually start losing some of their testosterone, this has to do with ageing and is normal. Low T symptoms include:

  1. Increased Body Fat
  2. Declining muscle and bone mass
  3. Hot Flushes
  4. Lower Sex Drive
  5. Erectile Dysfunction
  6. Decreased Sperm Count
  7. Depression
  8. Disturbed sleep
  9. Fatigue
  10. Tender breasts
  11. Difficulty in getting and/or sustaining erections
  12. Reduced self-confidence

Diagnosing Low T

A lot of men tend to self-diagnose Low T. But, this can be inaccurate as most Low T symptoms are the same as ageing symptoms. Therefore, self-diagnosis isn’t reliable. The only reliable and most accurate way of Low T diagnosis is a doctor ordered testosterone level test. After the examination, you should take your results to a doctor for proper evaluation and diagnosis. 

Testosterone Injections
Testosterone Injections

What Are Testosterone Injections?

Testosterone injections, commonly known as testosterone shots are isolated testosterone injections. Testosterone Replacement Theory (TRT) is becoming more and more common in the United States and also in India. However, before undergoing the Testosterone Replacement Theory, you should be aware of all the potential side effects of testosterone shots and also the benefits of testosterone shots. Testosterone injections improve Low T symptoms and may be beneficial in the long run. However, for older men, it can increase the risk of cardiac arrests. There, are natural ways to increase testosterone production in the body. You can give these a try if you’re unsure about the side effects of testosterone shots. 

Benefits of Testosterone Shots

Like we said, testosterone injections improve Low T symptoms. You will see considerable changes in your sex drive, sperm count, muscle mass, etc. Your sex life will likely improve as the risk of erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation will decrease and you’ll be able to sustain erections for longer. Other significant changes include:

1.Fat and muscle changes

If you have Low T, you will likely notice changes in your weight, including an increase in body fat (especially in the mid-section). Low T also messes with muscle mass and bone density. Thus, those will improve. You are also likely to notice a difference in your muscle strength, but nothing is guaranteed.

2.Low sperm count

One of the most significant symptoms of Low T is a decreased sperm count. This can be a major concern and problem if your partner and you are trying to conceive. If this is the case, then opting for the Testosterone Replacement Theory is a good option. You should definitely consider getting testosterone injections as TRT can improve your sperm count significantly. 

Are Testosterone Shots safe?

Like we said, testosterone injections do not come free of risks and side effects. Testosterone injections can be 100 per cent safe for those who diligently follow the doctor’s instructions. However, complications can still occur. Therefore, you should weigh your pros and cons before you consider getting testosterone injections. Some of the involved risks of testosterone shots can be controlled through other medication or lifestyle changes while some cannot.

Side Effects of Testosterone Shots

The most common side effects of testosterone shots and testosterone injections include:

  1. Liver problems
  2. Cardiac related risks including cardiovascular complications
  3. Problems in the urinary tract
  4. Increased risk of Venous Thrombosis
  5. Worsening of prevalent tumors
  6. Blood clots
  7. Back Pain
  8. Weight Gain
  9. Sleep apnea
  10. Acne

Some people may develop allergic reactions to testosterone injections. Symptoms are likely to include skin rashes, breathing problems, nausea, dizziness, etc. Others may encounter even serious problems like a stroke or heart attack. If you don’t feel too well after administering the testosterone injections, you should immediately consult your doctor.

In conclusion, testosterone injections can be helpful, but only if you have serious low T symptoms. If your symptoms aren’t serious but you feel that you can use a boost, try to improve testosterone production by making lifestyle changes like improving nutrition, staying more active, getting enough sleep, etc. 

You should be 100 percent aware of the possible serious complications of using testosterone injections in both short-term and long-term therapy. Your doctor should do administer a thorough evaluation and, if testosterone replacement therapy is an option, discuss the benefit and risks with you before prescribing it. And, it is absolutely important to follow a doctor’s instructions at all times to reduce any risks or any kind of complication.

Also Read: Are Suffering From Low Testosterone Levels?

Considering Testosterone Injections? Here’s Everything You Need To Know!


If you’ve been considering getting testosterone injections, then you’re certainly not alone. Millions of adults are on prescription testosterone shots or gel as some form of testosterone replacement therapy (commonly known as TRT). They do so to restore the normal levels of the testosterone hormone as is suggested by the name. As you age and become older, a testosterone replacement theory may sound promising. Especially after hearing that a testosterone replacement theory can make men more energetic, improve sexual performance, slow down the ageing process, etc. 

However, a testosterone replacement theory doesn’t come free of risks. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not recommend using testosterone to treat natural ageing-related testosterone changes as it may increase the risk of certain cardiac issues in older men. Therefore, if you’re thinking, “Are testosterone shots safe?”, you’re right to do so. There are benefits of testosterone shots and there are also side effects of testosterone shots. Keep on reading for more information on testosterone injections. 

Testosterone Injections
Testosterone Injections

What is Testosterone?

Testosterone is the male steroid hormone that is produced in the testicles. Common misconceptions regarding the testosterone hormone include the fact that it’s only job is to maintain a healthy sex drive. But, that is not the case. The hormone has several effects on your body including maintaining fat distribution in the body, bone density, muscle mass, sperm count, facial and body hair growth, and red blood cells production. A normal testosterone level is between 300 and 1,000 ng/dL. Thus, if a blood test shows that your levels are far below the norm, you may need to consult a doctor. 

How does Age Affect Testosterone Levels?

Testosterone production peaks during puberty, that is the adolescence age. And, as you age, your testosterone levels decline. There is a condition known as hypogonadism that affects testosterone production. Hypogonadism affects the body’s ability to produce normal amounts of testosterone due to a problem in the testicles or in the pituitary gland that controls the testicles. People suffering from hypogonadism usually rely on testosterone replacement therapy. 

Symptoms Associated with Low T

Low T is a condition that is associated with a rapid decline in testosterone production. However, some men above the age of 30-40, may gradually start losing some of their testosterone, this has to do with ageing and is normal. Low T symptoms include:

  1. Increased Body Fat
  2. Declining muscle and bone mass
  3. Hot Flushes
  4. Lower Sex Drive
  5. Erectile Dysfunction
  6. Decreased Sperm Count
  7. Depression
  8. Disturbed sleep
  9. Fatigue
  10. Tender breasts
  11. Difficulty in getting and/or sustaining erections
  12. Reduced self-confidence

Diagnosing Low T

A lot of men tend to self-diagnose Low T. But, this can be inaccurate as most Low T symptoms are the same as ageing symptoms. Therefore, self-diagnosis isn’t reliable. The only reliable and most accurate way of Low T diagnosis is a doctor ordered testosterone level test. After the examination, you should take your results to a doctor for proper evaluation and diagnosis. 

Testosterone Injections
Testosterone Injections

What Are Testosterone Injections?

Testosterone injections, commonly known as testosterone shots are isolated testosterone injections. Testosterone Replacement Theory (TRT) is becoming more and more common in the United States and also in India. However, before undergoing the Testosterone Replacement Theory, you should be aware of all the potential side effects of testosterone shots and also the benefits of testosterone shots. Testosterone injections improve Low T symptoms and may be beneficial in the long run. However, for older men, it can increase the risk of cardiac arrests. There, are natural ways to increase testosterone production in the body. You can give these a try if you’re unsure about the side effects of testosterone shots. 

Benefits of Testosterone Shots

Like we said, testosterone injections improve Low T symptoms. You will see considerable changes in your sex drive, sperm count, muscle mass, etc. Your sex life will likely improve as the risk of erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation will decrease and you’ll be able to sustain erections for longer. Other significant changes include:

1.Fat and muscle changes

If you have Low T, you will likely notice changes in your weight, including an increase in body fat (especially in the mid-section). Low T also messes with muscle mass and bone density. Thus, those will improve. You are also likely to notice a difference in your muscle strength, but nothing is guaranteed.

2.Low sperm count

One of the most significant symptoms of Low T is a decreased sperm count. This can be a major concern and problem if your partner and you are trying to conceive. If this is the case, then opting for the Testosterone Replacement Theory is a good option. You should definitely consider getting testosterone injections as TRT can improve your sperm count significantly. 

Are Testosterone Shots safe?

Like we said, testosterone injections do not come free of risks and side effects. Testosterone injections can be 100 per cent safe for those who diligently follow the doctor’s instructions. However, complications can still occur. Therefore, you should weigh your pros and cons before you consider getting testosterone injections. Some of the involved risks of testosterone shots can be controlled through other medication or lifestyle changes while some cannot.

Side Effects of Testosterone Shots

The most common side effects of testosterone shots and testosterone injections include:

  1. Liver problems
  2. Cardiac related risks including cardiovascular complications
  3. Problems in the urinary tract
  4. Increased risk of Venous Thrombosis
  5. Worsening of prevalent tumors
  6. Blood clots
  7. Back Pain
  8. Weight Gain
  9. Sleep apnea
  10. Acne

Some people may develop allergic reactions to testosterone injections. Symptoms are likely to include skin rashes, breathing problems, nausea, dizziness, etc. Others may encounter even serious problems like a stroke or heart attack. If you don’t feel too well after administering the testosterone injections, you should immediately consult your doctor.

In conclusion, testosterone injections can be helpful, but only if you have serious low T symptoms. If your symptoms aren’t serious but you feel that you can use a boost, try to improve testosterone production by making lifestyle changes like improving nutrition, staying more active, getting enough sleep, etc. 

You should be 100 percent aware of the possible serious complications of using testosterone injections in both short-term and long-term therapy. Your doctor should do administer a thorough evaluation and, if testosterone replacement therapy is an option, discuss the benefit and risks with you before prescribing it. And, it is absolutely important to follow a doctor’s instructions at all times to reduce any risks or any kind of complication.

Also Read: Are Suffering From Low Testosterone Levels?